불행중 다행이네요
20명부상, 160명 연기흡입,290명 대피~~
1층에서 화재시작
2층이 수학학원
대피자 대부분이 학생들 이었다고~~
이번주,다음주가 고등셤기간이라~~~휴~! !
큰 인명피해는 없어서~~
학생들 연관 사고소식은~
가슴을 덜컹내려앉게합니다
It happened in Bundanggu, Seongnam city, Korea 11 Dec.
A large fire broke out at a mixed occupied building near Station
injuring some and forcing the evacuation of many students.
About 300 Students are studying in math private institute 2nd floor .
Fire began in first floor at 8:18 p.m.
Teachers did the best to rescue the children before the fire started to spread.
Because of the Teachers, All children are safe.
Thanks to the Teachers and the other Firefighter 119 and citizens, Police Officer, Public Servant.